Getting your pay stubs online is a simpler task than you may think. With many places to locate your pay stubs, you can print them quickly and easily. First, you need to know how to find your pay stubs online.
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There are several ways to get your pay stubs online:
- PayStub Generator
- PayStub Portal
- Copy Pay Stubs
PayStub Generator
This one is the easiest. All you have to do is use an online pay stub generator. Enter in the information you want on your pay stub and you’re good to go. The paystub generator will make your pay stubs.
This method is effortless and will require less time to get the stubs you need. Once you are done, you can preview, download and print your real paystubs right away. As long as the pay stubs are accurate, and you have permission from your employer if you are not self-employed, then you can use your pay stubs as proof of income.
Level of User-friendliness: It’s very easy to use, all you have to do is key in the info you want on your stubs.
- Pros: Easy to use, easy to know when something on the stub is not correct.
- Pros: Design is well-organized and clean.
Paystub Portal
A pay stub portal is an online source that employees can log into and view their work history and pay stubs. Pay stub portals allow you to access your information through an internet website. Often times these pay stub portals are specific to a company or payroll service. You will be able to access your pay stubs online and view any available information.
Remember, you will need to have a username and password to access the portal. Your employer may allow you to have access to a private area where you can download and print your pay stubs.
Level of User-friendliness: It’s user friendly as long as you know your username and password.
- Pros: Simple to find and download your pay stubs if you know your username and password.
- Cons: This can be time consuming to find the right portal and if you get the portal wrong, you will be disappointed and have to start over.
Copy Pay Stubs
Another way to get your pays stubs online is if have a copy of physical pay stubs, you can convert your pay stubs and put them online. Just scan your stubs and post them online either on your computer or a cloud storage. This way, you will always have a digital copy of your pay stubs.
Level of User-friendliness: Very user friendly and easy to use, as long as you’re scanning in your stubs.
- Pros: Using this method, you can set how often you want your stubs scanned in and stored.
- Pros: Using an online storage can help you keep track of where you can view your online copies of your pay stubs.
- Cons: It can be time consuming scanning all your pay stubs and making sure they scan in nice and straight.
- Cons: You have to know how to use your scanner and know how to post or share on the computer to upload your scans.
- Cons: You need to have a physical copy to begin with.
If you don’t have a physical copy of your pay stubs, you can use a pay stub generator to create your pay stubs. Alternatively, you can get your pay stubs from your employer.
Paystubs from Employer
If you are employed, then you have the option of getting your pay stubs the old fashion way; a physical copy. You can go to your manager and ask for your pay stubs. This option is the best if you are working for a company. Typically, pay stubs arrive with your pay check.
If you are not employed, you have to get your pay stubs from previous employer. Simply contact him or her, and request your pay stubs.
Pay Stub from Manager
If you know your manager well and have a personal relationship, you can easily go to him/her and ask to have a copy of your pay stub.
Pay Stubs from Payroll or HR Department.
If you work for a company, chances are you can ask for your Pay Stubs through your HR (Human Resource) or Payroll Department. They can easily print you an electronic pay stub, which you can use as proof of income. Getting a pay stub from the HR Department can be helpful especially if your pay stubs are direct deposit.
Overall, getting your pay stubs online is very easy. All you have to do is find the right pay stub generator that suits your needs.
We recommend using a pay stub generator, because they can customize what info you put on your stubs and it is easy to use.
If you have a hard time finding your pay stubs, you may consider contacting your company.
Many companies have a paystub portal. A paystub portal is an easy way to access your pay stubs from home. That is, if the company has a paystub portal. Just be sure to save the username and password.
You can also copy your pay stubs from a physical source. If you have a scanner, you can also scan your pay stubs, so you can access them online later.
One thing is for sure. Getting your pay stubs online is easier than you may think. Regardless of which option you use to get your pay stubs online, remember to protect your information.
Password protect your attachments, never store your usernames and passwords. Lastly, never share your username and password with anyone.
It is important to get your pay stubs online because you never know when you might need them.
Do you need help with your proof of income? Do you need pay stubs? We have helped thousands of people generate pay stubs for themselves and their employees.
Check out our Pay Stub Generator to get your proof of income documents today!